Hey, James here. Nice to meet you!

Finding a reliable website designer to entrust your company’s online success to is a significant undertaking. To help you assess whether we are compatible, allow me to provide you with some insights into our workflow.


Your website should reflect your business values, goals, and brand identity to ensure a cohesive and impactful online presence.


Effectively communicate your brand’s message, engage your target audience, and drive desired actions or conversions.


Supported websites are crucial for maintaining functionality, security, and user experience, contributing to overall success.

The Process

How we work…


Enquiry Call

During this brief call our main objective is to delve into your goals and also establish a rapport to determine if we are compatible for collaboration.



After our initial call, I will send you an email with an estimated price range and timeline for your project. This will be based on my previous experience and your project goals. You can then decide if you would like to proceed further, with no obligations.


Discovery Session

We will have a call to discuss the details of your project and determine what is needed for its success. This includes functionality, scope, structure, assets, legal requirements, and key performance indicators.

Proposal, Contracts + Deposits

Based on the roadmap we discussed during our discovery call, I will present you with a comprehensive proposal. This proposal will outline all the deliverables and scope of work, as well as provide you with a price and timeline for the completion of the project.


Start Project

We will discuss project’s roles and responsibilities, as well as ensure we have all the essential resources for the upcoming Design & Development stages. Throughout this phase, we will adopt a methodical and iterative approach, keeping you informed of our design progress through regular updates and inviting your feedback. You can anticipate receiving at least weekly updates, with the likelihood of multiple communications each week.


Final Checks

After you give your approval, we will test and ensure the quality of your project. This process usually takes 2 – 3 days and involves more than 50 tests to meet our high standards for your website.


Launch & Care

Go Live. Once your website is finished and you have made the payment, we will make it live on your domain. We will then conduct thorough tests to ensure its quality. You will have a 30-day window to request any necessary revisions or modifications.

Ongoing Support. It is crucial to keep your website well-maintained for its success. We offer website management services to handle this responsibility for you. Alternatively, we can provide you with detailed instructions on how to effectively maintain your website on your own.

Website Costings

Pricing and Costs

Our pricing depends on factors like project complexity, scope, deadlines, and deliverables. Each project is quoted individually. We can provide an estimated price after an initial consultation, but a detailed quote requires a project discovery call. We strive to provide an accurate quote that considers all necessary elements. Changes to scope or deliverables are expected and we have a change request process in place. Any modifications to the quoted price will be communicated and agreed upon beforehand. There are no unexpected charges. Our minimum website prices for custom website design & development is $3,500, and our average project price in 2023 was $8,545.

Starting in 2024 we are now offering affordable websites from $1,500 + hosting

Our website management services have three price points: $99/mo, $165/mo, and $285/mo.


Minimum Costs


Average Project Cost (2023)

$99 - $285

Monthly Website Care Plans

3 to 10 weeks

Average project duration times


Project Updates

Project Schedules


The duration of most projects typically falls within the range of 3 to 8 weeks, which is dependent on factors such as the project’s size, scope, and your availability for communication and feedback.

Since each project is unique, we will provide you with an estimated timeline after our initial discussion, and a comprehensive breakdown of the timeline will be included in your proposal.

To keep you informed about the progress of your project, we will send you a weekly update on its status, including any modifications to the schedule. This ensures that you are always aware of the current status of your project.


Finding the right pages to use on your website