Any business with a Facebook business page should be doing this strategy.

Facebook Business Strategy

I had the privilege the other day being interviewed by Emma Kirkwood from The Northern Beaches of Sydney Local Business Network, as part of Emmas’ Facebook strategy. Was a great fun interview and she asked some great questions about our Sydney Website Design business and what visions I have for working with local businesses.

Anyway, what I did I want to mention in this post is what Emma is doing with her Facebook page. It’s a great example of a Facebook strategy. How to use social media within a business to create awareness and engagement.

This Facebook strategy is so easy

This simple approach which Emma has done could be achieved with most businesses who are using Social Media. It’s a clever way to use the channel to share and create stories around your customers and clients. Which helps everyone to learn and be informed about your business and the ways you are helping your clients.

Steps for this simple Facebook strategy

  1. Interview your customers, client or prospective customers ask them a serious of questions.
  2. Write the post based on the interview, make sure you include links to their Facebook pages and business pages.
  3. Get a photo of you and your customers. Having an actual photo with you and the person you have interviewed will bring Authenticity to your post.
  4. Run the draft the post, by the interview before posting.
  5. Schedule and Post
  6. Encourage everyone to share and like the post.
  7. Repeat the process again with another client or customer.

It’s a facebook strategy that just keep giving back.

Take some action

I would encourage anyone to take a look at The Northern Beaches of Sydney Local Business Network Facebook page. Then study it and see how this approach could be used with your own website strategy. To help create engagement and value around your business.

This a powerful strategy think about it. I have shared the post using my own social media channels. Have used the Facebook post to create a blog post and build further interest in what we do for a business. Who want to turn their ordinary websites into an extraordinary website.

Need some help

If you would like some help with your website or interested in what you could be doing better with your own website. Please feel free to contact.

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James Hayward
Hey, how are you? I get great motivation from assisting people like you in enhancing their web design and improving online visibility for business owners. I achieve this by providing consultancy services and guiding clients towards the optimal digital strategy for their businesses.

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