Why you’re website is not showing up and how you can fix it.

Why you’re website is not showing up and how you can fix it.

You've created a website, but you're not getting the traffic you expected. Well, you’re not alone. Many businesses find themselves in the same position. But the good news is that there are things you can do to fix the problem.

The main issue might be you're trying to be a hero or your message is all “about you” and not focused on the customer or being the guide or fixer for your clients.  If you want to read further on this concept, we would recommend reading Donald Miller Story Brand.

The main thing to help solve your traffic problems is to focus on finding problems your audience have and then showing them how you can help solve the issue. You don't need to be the expert on everything, but you do need to be the expert on what you do and how you can help your clients and visitors.

Let's start on finding some problems

Let’s take a few minutes to work out what are some of the most common questions you get asked when people are enquiring into your business, products or service. Or what is the issue your customers or visitors have.

How and where to find your clients issues.

  • Go back and review customer email enquiries to find questions.
  • Ask your reception, service teams or employees for common questions and concerns they get asked.
  • Ask and listen to your current customers.

Once you have a list of questions your clients are asking, it is time to write some articles, or blog posts answering the questions they have. The more details you can provide and guidance, the better. If you can use video and images, even better. The goal is to become the fixer and expert for your customers.

When you write this kind of article, you should begin to see organic free traffic from Google.

Why is being the fixer or guide on your website good?

  • Improves rankings and traffic to your website.
  • Helps, to build trust and loyalty with your visitors and current clients.
  • Helps, to improve overall conversions, as you are seen as a expert.

The ideal situation is to be writing or producing a piece of content for your website at least every week. This will help to improve your website's overall SEO and website traffic. If you are producing and creating content regularly, Google will begin to recognise the effort and start to reward your website by moving it up the search results.  There is also a range of other signs which Google is looking for, but starting with a simple approach to providing good content that is helpful will not go unrecognised.

If your website is struggling to get traffic and your still confused about what needs to be done, you are more than welcome to book in some time with us, and we can have a look at what is going on with your current website. Book sometime with James online today, to help fix up your website traffic and conversions issues.

James Hayward
Hey, how are you? I get great motivation from assisting people like you in enhancing their web design and improving online visibility for business owners. I achieve this by providing consultancy services and guiding clients towards the optimal digital strategy for their businesses.

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